Wet Stuff Secrets Pump 1kg


Wet Stuff Secrets is the original synergy product bringing together the finest texture features of silicone with the wash off characteristic of water based gels. This cream has a soft velvet beginning texture that slowly firms to give a great sense of friction before breaking to a slick bodyglide gloss, with great protection from wear for delicate tissues. Secrets is finally absorbed like a moisturising cream.


  • ARTG 19434 
  • Compatible with condoms
  • Sensational Sorbolene Cream: Wet Stuff secrets brings you the allure of sorbolene cream blended with silicone, creating an indulgent texture that’s sure to captivate your senses. 
  • Perfect with Condoms: This innovative formulation is expertly designed for use with condoms, ensuring an effortless and safe experience. 
  • Creamy Elegance: If you have an affinity for creams, Wet Stuff Secrets will become your new obsession. Its creamy texture delicately embraces your skin, slowly transitioning into a luxurious satin finish. 
  • Enduring Pleasure: Experience long-lasting pleasure with Wet Stuff Secrets. While it requires slightly more application than water-based lubes, the residual lubrication lasts for an extended duration.
  • Premium Ingredients: Wet Stuff Secrets is formulated with utmost care, featuring only low molecular weight food grade and medical grade silicon fluids. It excludes high molecular weight silicons that may compromise your experience. 
  • Versatility Redefined: Unleash your desires without limitations. Wet Stuff Secrets is suitable for oral, vaginal, and anal play, ensuring a world of possibilities for your pleasure. 
  • Made in Australia 
  • CE Certified 
  • Waterproof – great for sexy-time in spa’s, baths, showers or even swimming pools, slippery under water. 
  • Natural, non-toxic, odourless and flavourless (VEGAN FRIENDLY)

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